This is an overview of my work on
Castleville Legends. Castleville Legends is a Zynga mobile game where
players harvest crops, craft items, and send heroes on quest and
adventures. The player also manages a gameboard (the kingdom) and places buildings and decorations on it. Castleville was already live
when I was brought on, my main focus was working with the Design Team (Design) to create story driven events for DLC releases.
The whole team usually had about 2
months to deliver the content. This meant we had 6 weeks of design
and implementation and 2 weeks of play test, QA, and bug fixes. The
design team would either be given a theme for the event or decide on
a theme. Some themes were very focused such as Christmas and
Halloween, while others were more general giving Design more
creative freedom with what we wanted to do.
Designers would work together to plan
out the whole event. Once the overall story and quest structure was
established, any new art assets and functionality needed
would be conveyed to the art and dev team. All disciplines would
meet for costing and if everything could be done in that release
cycle, we went ahead with the planned event.
Design created the game assets, quest, and objectives, as well as the rewards (loot). After implementation,
the functionality of each system would be tested. Once all systems
worked correctly, designers would play test the whole event.
The new items would follow a crafting
map which detailed what was required to craft them, the building time,
the drop rate percentage (if it was a chance item), and many other
The gameboard assets ranged from
decorations and buildings to the whole event center. How each asset type functioned had to be defined and items that spawned from them had to
be listed. If it was a building that could be changed over time, the
trigger for each state had to be specified. These assets allowed the
players to be immersed in the game because their actions changed the
state of the buildings.

Player Experience
After the content was implemented, Design would play through the whole event and fix bugs in
parallel. By playing the whole event over and over, the numbers would
be adjusted for a better player experience.
Crafting maps for items would be
evaluated. All the required crafting components, the number of times
the player would have to craft specific items, and how much time the
players would spend doing these activities were aspects Design examined.
Progression through the quest was
examined: how much experience the player gained for each quest, and
how each quest was unlocked (through quest chains or time gated) were details designers balanced out.
After items and quests felt balanced, Design would look at the event as a whole: the overall length
of the event and how much the player was able to rank up during the
The Leaderboard was a major system
designers had to take into account. This mode of play allowed players to compete
against each other for better prizes based on ranking and tier grouping. Dealing with players who obtained the event currency too
quickly, cheaters, and other exploits were issues designers had to
tackle with each event.
That is my overview of the work I did
on Castleville Legends. I hope it was informative, if somewhat
lengthy. I will be posting about specific mechanics I worked on in
Castleville in the future. Thanks for reading.